Sunday, October 31, 2010
Halloween Pictures
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Is she three... or thirteen?
And then as we inched ever closer to her third birthday, we noticed a change. She started talking back. Saying "NO!" when we asked her to do something. She would roll her eyes, and stomp her feet at us. She was sassy, and not in a good way. What happened to my sweet little girl?
Then last night, I snapped. Fred was reading her a bedtime story, but was so tired he kept falling asleep as he was reading. Finally he told Elise that he would finish the story (which was quite long) tomorrow. This did not sit well with Elise and she started yelling "NO!" and whining. I went in and explained that Poppa was so tired and she needed to be understanding. Fred even offered to read her a shorter one, to which she yelled, "NO!" again.
So we gave her a choice... no story, or the shorter story. First she wouldn't choose, then she said, "no story." So when we said good night to her, she started crying. I told her that she had made her choice, and if she didn't settle down, all her toys, books, and stuffed animals were coming out of her room. Her reply? "Take my toys."
I told her to think carefully, because if she continued with this attitude, I would take ALL her toys away, and she would have nothing left to play with. Her response again was, "I want to you take my toys!" Followed by more screaming. She should know better than to dare me.
So I took a laundry basket and took everything out of her room, all the while she was shrieking (think tornado siren loud). Then I went downstairs to take care of the rest of her stuff. Because it was 10:30 at night (and I'm a bit crazy), instead of carting all her toys out to the garage, I took packing tape, and taped off the area where all her toys were. Sort of like a crime scene. Greatness.
Her behavior last night isn't the worst example of how she can be, but it was the final straw. Fred and I are not the strictest parents in the world, but we do demand a certain level of respect, politeness, and obedience from our offspring. We have talked to her about acceptable behavior, and when everything is going her way, she is very agreeable. It's when things do not go her way that she turns into a whirling dervish of toddler angst.
So we have taken away what she holds dear... her "stuff". She understands that the only way to get it back it to earn it back with good behavior. So far it's going pretty well today. Except for one set-back where she lost the toy that she had earned back AND went to sit in time out.
It's cool... Rome wasn't built in a day. We'll do this one stuffed animal and puzzle at a time.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Look who's smiling!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
It's time!
The Rangers are really the only Dallas-area sports team I can stand. I don't like the Cowboys for the exact same reason I don't like the Yankees. The ego. The entitlement. The "we're-awesome-just-because-we're-the-Cowboys-and-it-doesn't-matter-that-we-suck" attitude. Plus I'm not really a fan of the game anyway. The only thing football is good for is putting me to sleep fast on a Sunday afternoon.
The Mavs don't do it for me either, mostly because their owner is a dink. It's like watching a 13-year old trapped in an adult's body. Seriously, he reminds me of Tom Hanks in Big, only not cute or lovable at all. Disliking the owner is another reason the Cowboys bug me. Need I expand on that?
And the Stars? Well, I don't like any hockey team that isn't the Canucks. And what is a hockey team doing in Texas anyway? Somebody took a very wrong turn somewhere. I think Elise says it best... "Boo Stars!"
But the Rangers are a different story. Especially this year's team. They are extremely talented, yet seem humble. They seem to genuinely like each other and love what they do. I think the fact that they use Ginger Ale to spray during the celebrations so Josh Hamilton can take part is aweome. And the "Claw and Antlers" thing tickles me to death.
So bring on the Giants/Phillies... because, It's Time!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Why we need a cure
And when she reached an age when SIDS was no longer a concern, I breathed a huge sigh of relief. Little did I know that a few months later I would have a newer, bigger worry to deal with.
Diabetes comes with a laundry list of complications; heart disease, nerve, kidney and eye damage are some of them. But there is another complication. A more sinister, less talked about one. It's called Dead in Bed Syndrome. Basically, a person with diabetes can pass away during the night due to an untreated low blood sugar.
Today my heart is aching for the family that lost their 13 year old daughter to Dead in Bed Syndrome. And the part that hits hardest is that her parents, by all accounts, were diligent in their care of her diabetes
When I usually explain to the uninitiated all the work that goes into caring for Elise, the response is always surprise. Especially when I get to the part about how we get up at least twice a night to check her blood sugar.
I know it seems over the top to most people, but as Elise's Mom, I will do everything in my power to protect her from harm. And I know that I cannot be there 100% of the time. I know I cannot protect her from every evil in this world, but you can bet that I will bust my ass to try.
Let's look at it this way; when you get in your car, you either strap your kiddo into their car/booster seat, or make sure they put their seat belt on, right (let's disregard this is a matter of law for the moment)? Why do you do this? You're a safe driver. You obey all posted speed limits, you use caution, and pay attention to the road.
But what you can't control are other circumstances; drunk drivers, people who text and drive; and the ones who just plain suck at driving. You have no idea at what might happen next, so you do what you can to protect your child... it's just good ol' common sense, right?
Unfortunately, a parent is NOT a pancreas. No matter how hard I try, I cannot replace that precious organ in Elise's body. I was not created to control and maintain blood sugars. All I can do is use my common sense and do my absolute best.
And this is why we weigh every carb Elise eats.
This is why we check her blood sugar 10-12 times a day, and at least twice a night.
This is why we don't leave Elise with anyone.
It is why, every seven days, we inject a sensor into Elise, so we can monitor her blood sugar via a Continuous Glucose Monitor.
It's why I ALWAYS have a watchful eye on Elise.
It's why Elise comes with us on our date nights.
And why I carry a backpack full of strange gadgets and food. It may seem odd to you, but it might just save Elise's life one day.
It's why I am so tired, so distracted, so overprotective, so consumed and so frightened. Because stories like this happen. And they happen to people who do everything they can, just like we're doing.
And so, my heart is breaking. Not just for this family, but for all the other D-families out there who hear these stories. And the need to check their kiddos a little more often and hold them a little closer consumes them that much more.
Please God, let us find a cure soon.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
First day of school
It looks like school is already working; when she heard Mattias crying when he woke up from his nap, she told me, "we need to go upstairs to see what is troubling him."
And then this afternoon, she asked to put on her jacket because she "wanted to be a doctor and take care of her sick baby."
That's my girl!
Monday, October 18, 2010
The problem with pacifiers
And not just in the magazine either. There are so many great inventions or innovations that people have come up with. For example:
Your bum gets cold while driving? Built in seat warmers!
Public bathrooms are a dirty, nasty place? Self-flushing toilets!
You want to travel to far off places and not spend hundreds of days on a boat developing both scurvy and rickets? Air travel!
Are you cold and lack the ability/intelligence to use a blanket? The Snuggie!
You see? All these wonderful inventions because someone saw a need and decided to do something about it. So why, for the love of sleeping babies, can't someone invent something to keep a pacifier in a baby's mouth?
Because it is so completely craptastic when that baby is waking up crying every 10 minutes due to the fact that the pacifier has fallen out of his mouth. And short of lying on the edge of my bed, with one hand draped over the bassinet forcibly keeping the pacifier in his mouth, I have run out of ideas. Well, there is duct tape... but I haven't resorted to that. Mostly because I don't have any in the house.
Seriously though, we can blast people into outer space, land them on the moon, and bring them back to earth again, but we can't find a way to fix the pacifier problem?
NASA, are you listening? Bill Gates, Steve Jobs... anybody?
How about you, Snuggie guy?
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Please sir, can I have some more?
That's why I have to give a shout out to my amazing son, who, just 1 day shy of being 5 weeks old, slept 8 hours last night (from 11:30 until 7:30). And a few days ago, he slept 7 hours. I'm loving it!
Now if only I could get 8 hours of sleep in a row, life would be grand! Heck, I'd settle for 5 hours of non-stop slumber.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Happy one month, Mattias!
-He is now 9 pounds and 6 ounces... I can't remember exactly how long he is, but the doc said he's in the 95th percentile.
-He sleeps soooooo much better than Elise ever did. All the baby books I read said that newborns sleep an average of about 16 hours a day. Elise slept 11. It nearly killed me. Mattias sleeps about 15 - 18 hours. At night he goes 6 hours before I wake him up to feed. I'm sure he'd go longer, but I want to make sure he's eating enough.
-All he wants is to be snuggled and carried everywhere. Unfortunately, he's not a huge fan of carriers/wraps etc., but I'm going to keep trying to make him like them! I don't have enough arms and I don't think I'll be able to learn how to give Elise her shot with my feet!
-He LOVES bath time. If he's at all fussy, one of the best remedies is to put him in his bath chair and give him a good scrubbing. Again, totally the opposite of Elise who used to scream through her bath.
-He maintains eye contact very well and I swear he was about to smile at me today. He can also hold his head up for a good 5 - 10 seconds. I love it when I'm holding him on my shoulder (burping position), and he lifts his head up to look into my eyes. I melt every time!
-It's still hard to tell if his hair is going to be red. In some light, you'd swear it is, but he really doesn't have enough to tell.
Hmm, shall I eat, sleep or poop now?
Friday, October 8, 2010
Houston, we have a package
As I have written about before, Elise has an issue with dropping her kids off at the pool. She potty trained pretty much within a day, but absolutely refused to poop. We talked it over with her doc who told us it was going to become a power struggle, and that Elise would go when ready.
To speed up the process, we resorted to bribery. I was tired of changing giant-sized poopies and shelling out almost $10 for 20 diapers. First, we took her to Target and let her pick out any toy she wanted. We told her that it would be her reward for making poopie on the potty. She seemed excited. I was too.
But when it came to go-time, she refused. She even told us she didn't need any toys. After that we tried money. Yes, my (at the time) two year old was motivated by cold, hard cash. But not, apparently, enough to do the doodie.
Food was not really something we wanted to use, but since we do give her an M&M for behaving during her shots, we tried that. Nope. Finally, I just gave up.
One day I just sort of snapped. There was no reason that my daughter, who knew well enough that she had to poop because she would bring me a diaper and tell me so, should not be able to sit on the potty to do her business. So I told her no more diapers. Then I tried one, final bribe; television.
Elise doesn't really watch TV, not for a lack of effort on her part. I'm just not a fan, especially when I see how she zones out in front of it. But I told her that if she pooped on the potty, she could watch a nuvie (her word for cartoon). She seemed excited. But I didn't get my hopes up.
Then on Tuesday, she announced that she had to make poo-poo, so I told her that there would be no diapers, and she could watch her nuvie when she was done. To my utter surprise, she hopped right on up and went to work. Within 10 minutes, we had a package.
To say there was much rejoicing is an understatement. I laughed. I clapped. I danced. At one point I think I almost started to cry. She seemed rather pleased with herself too.
And then I let her watch two nuvies. You gotta celebrate the first deuce in the toilet in style, you know.