Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thankful for turkies

It appears that I will only be blogging on major holidays now, and although this post is a very days late, it still doesn't change that fact that I am very thankful for my two little turkies. They make me crazy, but life would sure be dull without them!

Foraging for acorns

Pink rain boots and a dress make you jump higher!


... and HIGHER!

You can't see her, but he's totally cracking up at something Elise is doing


I think he knows he's cute

The stink-eye

Elise saw this hat at Target and bought it with her own money... my little fashionista!

She wanted to be a pirate

Always the little ham

Obligatory "kids playing in the leaves" shot

My little man... love him!



Is there anything sweeter than a girl and her dog?