Alas, finally here are some pictures from our KANSAS CITY!!! trip. Only about a month after the fact...
Celebrating her birthday in KANSAS CITY!!!
Now, not every week is that good, and yes it takes time to go through the circular and match up your coupons, but once you get the hang of it, it's pretty easy. There are also websites out there that will tell you what the best deals are and what coupons to use, but I prefer to do it myself.
I've actually had to curtail my CVS-ing because I now have a stash of about 50 toothbrushes, 20+ tubes of toothpaste, probably close to 50 razors and more that I've paid next to nothing for. I've actually started donating some of my stash to shelters and other organizations because I'm running out of room to store it all.
Whew, that was a long post, and if you've made it to the end, I commend you! Enjoy the spoils of your CVS-ing!
Elise playing in the fountains at the festival
You want me to wear what???
Ready for the show to start
Liam and Keiran
Fiachna and Eamon de Bara (I think) during Si Do Mhaimeo I
Hanging with the Flowers (Dave, Liam and Fiachna)
Awww, Elise, me and Liam. Liam's fisrt solo album "Rian" was the inspiration for Elise's middle name