I think this may have been my longest absence from the world of blogging since I started almost two years ago. Didya, miss me?
I must admit I really missed writing, but due to many reasons, could not summon up the energy to write about anything. Here is a brief update:
As you know, my Mom was sick while she was visiting us. What you might not have known is that I was (and am still) pretty sick myself. I went to the doctor and had some blood drawn and we discovered that not only is my white blood cell count in low (second test in about 10 months to come back with that result), but my TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) came back at 75. Normal range is from about .3 to 5.
Well, crap-on-a-stick... no wonder I was feeling so supremely lousy. If you don't know much about hypothyroidism, here are a list of symptoms:
* Fatigue
* Weakness
* Weight gain or increased difficulty losing weight
* Coarse, dry hair
* Dry, rough pale skin
* Hair loss
* Cold intolerance (you can't tolerate cold temperatures like those around you)
* Muscle cramps and frequent muscle aches
* Constipation
* Depression
* Irritability
* Memory loss
* Abnormal menstrual cycles
* Decreased libido
I was so tired I could barely move, my whole body felt like I had been hit by a truck, my hair was falling out at a rate where I could have supplied someone with a wig every three days (lucky I have a tonne of hair), and I was taking about 5 showers a day because I couldn't warm up. Since I am irritable about 95% of the time, it was hard to determine a change in that.
We discovered the issue about 10 days ago, but I can't tell if I'm feeling better yet. I had a follow up blood test today and should know more in a few days. Maybe I am on the rebound since this is the first time I've actually felt like writing anything.
Hopefully I am getting better and will be able to catch up with everybody else soon. Thank you to those who checked up on me to make sure I hadn't decided to join some reality show or something.
Ferg Year in Review 2024
2 months ago
I misss you soooo much. WOW I can't believe that you are going through all of this, I'm sooo sorry and I hope you start to feel better really, really soon. I can't wait until you are back!! Take Care xoxoxo
p.s you need some Canadian Timmie's to warm you up :) I wish that I could do something to make you feel better :(
BIG CANADIAN ((((HUGS))) miss u eh!
HURRAY, you're back! I was going to email you and see what was up! I miss your awesome blogging! Wow! Glad you got insight into your symptoms! Hurray for modern medicine!
get well soon!!!!! hang in there!!!!
I was getting worried! Hope things ease up soon lady!
I was wondering about you... glad you have some answers about whats going on ;)
Keep us updated and welcome back "stranger"!!
Wow, my dear! My mom has hypothyroidism too...has been on meds since at least high school, maybe longer. Anyhooo....so glad that they're getting you all figured out.
Oh...when Jada was diagnosed, our endo team was curious about anyone in our family having thyroid problems...b/c it's all part of the endocrine system. I just found that intriguing.
You on a reality show ? , nope never happen . I hope you feel better soon . Yep I have been on thyroid meds too and after 40 is a very common thing . but the dr took me off . well so glad you are back and feeling better must take care of yourself dear as well as elise . I will pray for your continued health and glad to see you back we were worried .
You have been missed!!! HUGS! Sorry you are having some issues of your own. i hope the meds make you feel fan-freaking-tastic soon!!!
Holy... as you said, "crap on a stick", Joanne. My goodness! I'm so sorry you're having to go through all that... does not sound one bit fun... I mean, like not even a little. Praying that you feel better soon! Keep us posted!
I have missed you too!!!! I am happy that you are feeling a bit on the mend.
It was very interesting for me to read about your tyroid. I have had problems with that in the past (took meds...stopped for no reason...stupid) anyway, I have been feeling all those crazy symptoms again, but I am having a hard time deciding if it is my surroundings (stress) or my tyroid having problems. I really need to go check it out, but it doesn't seem to be as bad as yours. Keep us updated!
Hi Joanne,
My name is Heidi, and I found your blog through a mutual D Mom friend, Wendy of Candy Hearts. My six-year-old son has T1D, and I have hypothyroidism. I read your blog and felt compelled to introduce myself. You're not alone, and all those awful symptoms will diminish once your TSH is back in range. Until then, hang in there and feel free to contact me if I can help in any way.
Oh friend...I'm so sorry. This news is bittersweet...bitter that you have to deal with this, sweet that you can finally understand what and why and get help.
We are praying for healing for your body, strength for you and Fred, and easy days with Elise. We love you all dearly!
How miserable! :( I'm not supposed to be typing but I had to jump in and give you ((HUGS))
and your thyroid this...
Love ya!
I did miss your blogging!! I just hate that you aren't feeling well, but I am thankful that you got some answers. I've been on medication for hypothyroidism since my Jr. year in high school. It's made a world of difference. Oh, how I remember those symptoms. Miserable!
Hope you are feeling better....
wow i missed a lot! i saw the words...decreased libido and thought...wow we can't have that..must fix her! ha ha
do update and tell us how you are!
sorry to read about ur mom! my gut always shouts to me and i ignore it...i hate ignoring it!
as for us
the stick is still wet as they say!!
we are super stoked!!!! this baby will be due the same time lils was back then..so early oct!!! lil came in sept...so i'm shooting for my fav month baby this time! come on oct baby!
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