Apparently, I have a flair for the dramatic when I'm pregnant. With Elise, I fell in the bathtub at 32 weeks and went into labour. I had to say in the hospital for a weekend, but they managed to stop the labour and send me home.
This time around, I caught a nasty little stomach bug that, despite my best efforts, dehydrated me severely. When I called my OB's office on Wednesday, they became concerned when they heard I hadn't been able to keep anything in me since Saturday, and told me to go to L&D (labour and delivery) to make sure everything was okay.
Upon checking in and being hooked up to various and sundry machines, they discovered my contractions were about 2-3 minutes apart, and I could definitely feel them getting stronger. I was also dilated to a 3, and at 70% effaced.
It took 3 shots of Terbutaline, and 3 bags of saline; but they finally stopped the contractions about 7 hours later. As an added bonus, I was also diagnosed with a UTI and reflux.
But, I'm at home, taking it easy, and little Mattias gets to cook for a little while longer. One thing I have to mention is that my husband is a complete and total ROCK STAR. He has done an amazing job of looking after both Elise and I. While working from home this morning, he wrangled Elise, managed all her diabetes care, and even cleaned the whole downstairs.
All while I slept blissfully upstairs (at least one of the drugs I'm taking knocks me out). What can I say, I married well!
Ferg Year in Review 2024
1 month ago
Wow, Joanne. Glad to hear you are okay, but sounds like you have had a bit of a rough go. Praying for quick recovery to at least pregnancy energy for the rest of the "cooking". And so glad to hear Fred is taking good care of you. You did marry well, and he loves God. I'm telling ya, that God strength keeps us sane when we have none of our own strength. :-)
you just needed another great blog story huh? :o)
sorry about the bug...sorry about the hospital stay and sorry about the UTI.
glad to know he's cooking a bit longer and you have a super hero of a hubs!
Good grief, woman! Never a dull moment! I'm glad you're doing better!
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