Anyway, you won't be seeing pictures of the amazing scenery that SF has to offer. I guess because we used to live there, we don't feel compelled to take pictures of that stuff.
Our first attempt at an outing went horribly wrong; due to scheduling problems, time zone issues and a general lack of communication. Try #2 went much better, as Elise go to experience her first boat ride via a ferry trip from Sausalito to SF. She loved it and kept yelling, "I'm on a boat!" (Thank you Andy Samberg for ruining what should have have been a rather cute comment by my daughter. If you don't have any idea what I'm talking about, don't worry... you're not missing anything).
Once we got to the city, we took MUNI down to Pier 39/Fisherman's Wharf. Unfortunately, it was too dark to take any decent pictures by the time we got there.
On Saturday morning we took a trip to the Kid's Discovery Museum in Sausalito. This was the best place ever! Elise was so sad when we had to leave.
We drove to Golden Gate Park on Saturday afternoon, but didn't make it in time to do any of the fun stuff. So we drove around and looked at some of the amazing architecture. Sorry, no pictures of that stuff, but I did take one at the top of Twin Peaks.
We set out for Golden Gate Park early the next day. First stop, a boat ride on Stow Lake!
Then we rented a Surrey bike. Talk about hard work!
Our final destination in the park was the carousel... it was beautiful!
Loved the pictures and looks like you guys had a wonderfull time and yeah I know what you mean about needing a vacation from a vacation .
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