Decorated some homemade gingerbread cookies with Elise. If you're wondering why so small and just round, it was so Elise could have a cookie or two and we didn't have to be too worried about the carb count (I didn't have any small cookie cutters). In case you're interested, they're 4g of carbs each. I know this because I am insane. Let's just leave it at that.
Posed for our annual Christmas card photo. This one was a fail (Seven was sticking out her tongue in protest of having to endure such humiliation).
There are no pictures of this, but on our way home we got into a very sticky situation trying to drive over a frozen over-pass. Thank you God that my husband is such a competent driver and was able to get us out of something could have ended very badly.
Merry christmas to your house from ours .
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