On January 20th, we dedicated Elise at our church, IBC. A baby dedication is a chance for us as parents to publicly commit to raising Elise in a way that honours God, while seeking support from our church family, asking them to come along side us as we raise her in the faith. It was a special time for Fred and I, and my Mom even got to come from Vancouver to be there for the dedication.
Elise started sitting up on her own at about 5 and 1/2 months... and her world took on a whole new view! She seemed very excited to have learned this new skill, and wanted to sit up at every opportunity.
She also discovered that her hands weren't just fun to look at, but useful in grabbing things. Like her Momma's hair. And that is why you never saw my hair out of a ponytail for the next few months!
Now that Elise was sitting on her own, she loved to go out for walks in the stroller. I can't imagine what it must be like for babies to see the world in this way after staring at ceilings for the first 5 months of their life. The cold weather gave us the chance to dress her in this cute snowsuit when we went for our walks.
And check us out in our Canucks shirts. We're both good Canadian kids!
Ferg Year in Review 2024
2 weeks ago
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