Month 4 brought lots of fun, and a strange new hairstyle. Elise has a double crown (that she inherited from her Momma), so her hair started sticking up in a funny faux-hawk hairdo. At least she's in style! We introduced Elise to one of the Cunha family Christmas traditions... cutting down our own Christmas tree. There are no pictures
of that because it was 80 degrees that day and everyone was hot, cranky, and miserable. But I do have this rather cute one of us in front of the finished product!I loved how our mornings would start out beginning this month. We still swaddled Elise, and when I would go into her room in the morning, she would laugh when she saw me and start thumping her legs on the mattress. As I loosened her swaddle, her arms would pop up like she was a jack-in-the-box. It was such a sweet way to be greeted every morning.
She also became infactuated with her hand and it was so funny to watch her stare at it while she twirled it around. Who needs those expensive toys when you've got hands!
We also experienced our first "sick baby" episode during this month. Elise came down with croup, and it sure scared me. I could hear her coughing over h
er monitor at night and it sounded like she was drowning. The doc assured us that it sounded a lot worse than it was. Thankfully, she got over it quickly and was back to being a happy baby in no time!
Her first Christmas was really a non-event, so I don't have much to write about it. But I am looking forward to this Christmas... She got to unwrap an early birthday present and has already proven herself to be quite good at it!
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